Exhibitor Registration

Terms of Exhibiting

I accept and assume full liability for any injury or loss to me or my property, agents or employees at any time and for any cause on the premises of the Albert City Threshermen & Collectors Association. I expressly release the show management from any liability for such loss or injury and agree to provide and pay for my own insurance.

Mail-In Registration

Mail Registration Form to Albert City Threshermen, PO Box 333, Albert City, IA 50510

Download Form

Online Registration

Type of Exhibit

New for the 50th Annual Show – Please provide a short history about this exhibit in your family. This will appear on your exhibitor sign for the show:

I have read and understand the terms of exhibiting. Your name and today's date serve as your electronic signature.

Purchase Your Membership Online

Memberships to the Association are a great value! Your season pass is included with your annual dues! A couples membership is just $35 and includes two season passes. A single membership is just $25 and includes one season pass. For more details, click here.

Make a Donation to the Albert City Threshermen Show

We are a 501c(3) organization with the show operated by volunteers. Donations can be designated for specific areas, such as the land fund, or will go into the general operations fund. All donations are tax deductible.

Make a Donation

© 2025 Albert City Threshermen and Collectors Show
Site Developed by Emagine, LLC